Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lock Picking For Dummies

The humble paperclip seems to be all that's need to break into anything lately.

Several years ago, Mythbusters found several ways to beat biometric locks that until that episode, had supposedly never been broken before.

Have the companies promoting biometric technologies done their Follow-Up? Of course not.

The Biolock 333 is a $200 piece of crap technology that can be opened quicker with a paper clip than it can be by swiping your finger properly. This is more pathetic than cracking a Kryptonite D-Lock with a Bic Pen. At least a standard lock takes a little longer to crack.

2 thumbs down for this so-called secure product.


  1. Wow...and I thought the D-lock was bad. I guess this leads me to a question, since I'm learning about the infosec field. In the case of the Biolock 333, do you start out with the simplest methods known and then play around if things don't work out? I know it seems like a silly question, but I'm just trying to get into the mindset of how pen-testers think.

  2. In this case, I think they just looked at the shape of the key, and went from there. I could be wrong, but it seems likely.
