Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are You Working With a REAL Security Expert?

The website has been posting exposés of security "veterans" who sound like they've been around the block, and seemingly single-handedly invented the information security industry. However, even some of the so-called famous experts are charlatans at best, ripping off their customers and potentially causing them more harm than good.

One example provided is Dr. Ali Jahangiri, who's entire career is so dubious that not only is his resumé in question, entire books that he has "authored" appear to have been entirely plagiarized. Much of the information is so out-of-date that it would only be of interest in a historical sense if this information wasn't already widely available on the Internet for free. Worse, they demonstrate that his Information Policy Templates, which sell for $150 / CD, are all ripped from various places freely available on the Internet, save for 2.

I don't fully agree that everyone on the list is a charlatan, though. For example, professional social engineer Ira Winkler is on the list merely for having a larger-than-life ego. It fails to recognize that extreme self-confidence is a requirement for any social engineer, which makes this hardly a surprise.

What differentiates consultants like Ali from the bad guys? If their credentials don't add up, and their work seems to be ripped off from someone else and repackaged as something new, you may have hired a thief into a position of trust. They haven't only ripped off their sources, they're also stealing your money.

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